Downloaded and installed the latest driver for my 8800 card, as well as the latest version of PowerDVD. The it looks worse than ever now. There's no way that's an 1080p image I'm seeing. Also, the 2.35:1 image from Kingdom of Heaven rests at the bottom of the screen rather than being centered. I put in a standared def dvd to see what that looked like, and it too was awful. Clearly no deinterlacing was being was a mess.

On another desktop is too large for the screen. I have cut off both top/bottom as well as right/left. The Nvidia driver has a utility to resize your desktop. Though no matter what setting I adjust it to, the desktop doesn't resize.

I knew there'd be some growing pains involved, but this is starting to get frustrating. I've had the machine built for a week, and I still don't have either video or sound working as they should. bleck.

Any and all help would be greatly appreciated!