
I've heard horror stories about Nvidia drivers and vista. Most of them go like this:

"Hey...this game works...but I can't set this setting or it will go poof...or...this video works, but it doesn't display right"

I just built a Vista machine for someone and would NOT allow them to buy a Nvidia card. Had to go with ATI.

Since the Blue Ray stuff is so darned...well...complicated and fresh and new, I can't say that anyone knows what the problem is.

But, if I could pick one thing that would probably fix it, it would be getting an ATI card. It's worth a shot. If you still get the same errors, sell it on some hardware enthusiast forum (like hardforum.com) for a little less than what you got it for.

I mean, it sucks, but with the way things are going right now, ATI and Vista are the way to go. I'm running vista right now (got it free from my school...hehe) and it's running flawlessly with my ATI card. No hiccups, glitches, or freezes yet.

It sucks man, I know the feeling. I HATE having computer problems like that. Every time you pop in a movie you get that little queezy feeling in your stomach.

My PC is an HTPC of sorts...so if you have any questions I'll try to help you out. On top of that, I'm on Vista too.

M22s|VP100|QS4s|HSU STF2