Toe-in is tricky and time-consuming to set up perfectly. There isn't a magic angle. It's dependent on your room (how far apart are the speakers), your listening position (how far back you sit), and how much free play you want for the 'sweet' spot/area.

In my experience, if you have one specific seat that you want to be *perfect*, you're going to use more toe-in: with the speakers almost pointing directly at you, or slightly behind you. That one spot will then be awesome, but you'll quickly lose the soundstage and depth effects as you move away from that spot. Less toe-in means the 'sweet' area becomes broader, but you get slightly less amazing soundstage and placement across the area.

The closer you sit to the speakers, the more difficult and picky your toe-in setup will be. I sit about 10 feet away from my M80's, and they're toed in about 15 degrees and that makes my whole couch a sweet spot.

Last edited by PeterChenoweth; 04/01/07 01:42 AM.

M80v2 | VP150v2 | QS8v2
SVS Pci+ 20-39
Emotiva UMC-1 & LPA-1
M22ti + T-Amp, in the Office