
There is already evidence pointing towards phenomena such as the psychoacoustic perceptions during human listening tests ("brain break-in"). Since some of that has been published, it is accepted as fact. Some other evidence leans towards disproving some other issues (such as the ABX double blind tests and cable theories) but has not been published yet to my knowledge (although i have also not finished reading the journal publications by Floyd Toole et al., that may contain more of this information).

I have already conceded that some things have not yet been proved nor disproved such as the SUBTLE differences which might exist between amps/receivers/cdp but i do have my own beliefs.

However, the day that some hardcore 'faith believers' actually concede that science can measure many things beyond what our meagre bodies' senses can perceive and that these audio issues could very well be caused soley on the bias in our minds having no real electrically measured differences, then i would probably leave the forums entirely knowing that people new to the home audio stuff will receive an objective and informed perspective.

Perhaps you would be willing to take the first step at bridging the gap and post a message on the forums in support of the side of science disproving advertised cable theory or amplifier differences.
How about it?

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."