Even a bad receiver might help you eliminate either the speakers or the receiver from the equation. Perhaps you could take your M22s and/or receiver to an audio shop and ask to hook them up to see if they have something that sounds better. This could help you troubleshoot and if you find the problem you’ll already be in a place to start looking for a solution.


Ok. The auto EQ is horrible. I tried it a few times and everytime I turned it on it was a substantial decrease in audio quality. Not to mention my problem got worse.

Since the problem got worse with the auto EQ on is it possible that your receiver is set to apply a manual EQ that just isn’t as bad. I had a similar problem with the auto EQ on my Denon making my center mostly and main somewhat sound hollow or weak and tinny with exenterated hissing sounds from some male voices. It was caused by the auto EQ clobbering the lower vocal frequency range which it automatically copied to the manual EQ when I first used it. This also only showed up in the three front and the QS8s I suspect because there just weren’t many male voices coming from the surrounds.


3M80 2M22 6QS8 2M2 1EP500 Sony BDP-S590 Panny-7000 Onkyo-3007 Carada-134 Xbox Buttkicker AS-EQ1