I now have need for a wireless router. I managed to run a screw through a cable to the furthest LAN jack location where my son has his X-box set up. I plan to still use my hard wired LAN (I have two network printers), but want a couple more locations in the house that do not have LAN jacks. I understand that Linksys makes multi-port wireless routers that might fill this need. When I look at their product guide, I’m a bit confused to which one I should buy.

I will also be using an 8 port switch with this router for the hard wired LAN outlets in use, if that matters.

In addition to the router, I need a couple of those gadgets that the device uses to talk to the router (showing my IT ignorance with these high tech terms). I don’t know if they make this, but I’d like to plug all my A/V electronics in the HT room that have Ethernet into. My receiver, HD player, BR player and video processor will all need to plug in to this thing (if it exists). The receiver has network streaming and the rest just use Ethernet for firmware updates. I can always plug them in whenever I need to update firmware, but the receiver will need constant communication with the router.

The router will be located in my office on the second level of the house. The X-box is on the fifth level about 60 feet away from the router. My A/V equipment is on the first level about 40 feet away from the router.

So in summery, I’m looking for 1) a good wireless router for a large home with some hard wire ports for my hard wire LAN. 2) a couple single port widgets that talk to the router 3) a multi port widget that talks to the router.

I supose I should also mention that the location where I will need to mount the router is in a stud space in my office wall. It can't be much larger than the four port router I have already.