Thanks Murph,

I was on the wrong site without knowing the promo code. I like the white better anyways.

If this thing does what you and everyone says it does, it will be a god-send, and for $250 a real no brainer. To be able to get to any song in my library of thousands of songs in only a few seconds, with out having to get up from my chair (if that doesn't sound lazy?), and to have it sound as good as the original.

I am placing this at the top of my Xmas list, right next to the Oppo DV-981HD (another under $250 no brainer item). Maybe if I keep being a good boy, Santa will bring me both.



Axiom M80, VP180, Qs8, EP500
Epson 3020
Rotel RB-880
Denon AVR-990