John, I'm sorry to hear about Curly.

Fellow pet owners DO understand the relationship that dogs bring, and losing that pet and relationship is truly a mournful process.

Joyce and I never had kids, and we're fast approaching the point of no return. We were always so busy with the business and managing it's/our debt that the decision had been put off and put off so long it's essentially "too late".

Our ten year old Black Lab Gus IS like a child to us. For me, especially (as I'm "home" all day), he's my constant companion and buddy. He has a neurological disease that is slowly taking away his ability to walk without appearing drunk and clumsy, yet he feels no pain from it. The vet says it will likely render him unable to walk in several more months.

In short, I've spent a lot of time thinking about how and when "the decision" will need to be made, and it saddens me. The thought that I have that helps lift me in a small way is to think about how good a life he's had….as I'm sure Curly had.

I know that you've posted of your dogs often here, and I have no doubt that Curly had a comfortable, happy life with you, with many funny, warm, poignant and serious moments. Just as we feel that our pets are like children, I think they feel that we are their parents. The relationship is very symbiotic, I believe. Just as we feel that they are always there for us, I believe that THEY think we are always there for them. And I don't doubt that Curly was as happy to be your friend, as he was yours.

In time, your sadness will be replaced with warm thoughts of the little guy.

I hope that time comes soon for you and Milo.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::