Hi Samiam and welcome.

I'm betting you will get a couple of good suggestions here. Also, you might want to start reading some of the great articles in the Axiom Learning Center off of the main page. There are some great explanations and tips on how to get started in HT. I bet you will then have lots of more detailed questions we can have fun digging deeper into here.

I suggest starting with these as they are well written, even if you are not super technical, as you suggest.

Home Theater Basics

Home Theater Buying Tips

As a Stereo Guy, you probably don't need this one as much but just in case, it will keep you from getting burned by buying overpriced speaker cable.
What's in a Cable

Finally, since again you mentioned being a 'stereo guy'....
Loosen up Stereo Guy! You just might enjoy Music in 51.
If nothing else, you get to read about Alan Loft's self proclaimed crankiness. In his defense, he seems to be very patient with us.

With out knowing anything else but your room size and listening habits, I think starting with the Epic 60 HT system would be a good starting point and you can work your way up or down from there with further discussions here. Budget and many other factors will tell the tale in the end.

I wasn't sure if you meant you wanted to avoid brightness and more accurate sibilance or that your hearing required help with it. I don't think you will have to worry about any of these speakers being too bright but they are very accurate and neutral, as you desire. If you actually do need a little more annunciation with the shriller noises and "s"s and stuff, M80 and M22s in a bookshelf are probably the most accurate in the extreme highs and could help there.

If you are sensative to this in a bad way, then maybe back to M60s as first choice. Thier accuracy is still amazing but just every so slightly less sensitive in those areas.

Please note, I own two pairs of M60s but have never heard M80 myself. So I should let you know that I am basing the above advice on what is always common consensus on these boards and from the specs you can view.

Anyways, planning and deciding on this stuff is half the fun. Enjoy.

With great power comes Awesome irresponsibility.