
I respect you for all you have done to help Axiom be where it is, and help to produce such fine speakers. That being said, we unfortunately have to deal with DHL at my job as well (engineering). 25% of the time the item are mangled, and I'm talking paper, not speakers.

The last time they were nice enough to insert a piece of paper which apologized for the state at which the documents were delivered (form letter of course, and an apology cannot fix original drawings with markups damaged from delivery). I have never had this happen with UPS or FedEx.

My suggestion would be to keep free delivery (via DHL), and give us the option for other deliveries where we pay the delta in cost.

I think most people on this board (and the internet in general) would be willing to pay the extra $10-20 to have our speakers shipped by a delivery company of our choice.


LFR1100 Actives,QS10HPx2,QS8x2,EP800,M3x4,M3x2 (Wood),M5HPx2 (Wood),AxiomAir,ADA1500-8,ADA1500-7