I was all set to just copy a system built by a guy on avs using the 69 and the a-data, then the processor he used was deactivated right off my wish list, which got me looking around. So then I robbed the combo with the 78 from a review site.
I thought the ps might be a little much. I had read good things about seasonic and was thinking efficiency when I found that. I'm having trouble finding pwr usage #s for the various combonents. The thing that concerns me is having enough PS if I load the case up with 6 big-ass hdd's over time.
I'm hoping to move this MB-ram-proc. to an unraid box when I upgrade next.
I'm really just kind of stumbling around trying to learn as I go.

I'm impressed with the case, it's heavier than I expected. There were reports of broken drive doors on arrival but mine was fine