2x6, you're picking at symatics, here. Tube amps definitely do "color" the sound. Semi On's choice of the word "color" is the same as your phrase "doing something sweet." Look back at your post and try to tell me you aren't belittling people who are simply stating scientific facts.

We know you are an ardent believer in tube amps, which by golly, do color the sound. (Remember that color = doing something sweet.) Colored sound, by definition, is inaccurate sound. Don't try to tell us, or yourself, otherwise.

If you have a valid argument, perhaps it's that accurate sound may not always be the best or most preferable in all situations. I can definitely agree with that. Bad source material can be made to sound better through a tube amp -- unlike solid state where garbage in = garbage out.

Your passive-aggressive retorts to those with dissimilar, dare I say scientifically-based beliefs, are getting old. We've been here before.

Last edited by pmbuko; 10/03/03 06:39 AM.