Before I continue, I'd like to state that I am very intrigued by tube systems. My only argument with you, 2x6, is that you simply won't admit that tube sound is innaccurate. Remember that this is not necessarily a bad thing. The even-order harmonics that the tubes add are not on the source material, therefore they are innacurate. It's simple logic that has nothing to do with science.

Feed signal A into a SS amp, it outputs A.
Feed signal A into a tube amp, it outputs A + B.

Neither I nor anyone else here is saying that tube amplification butchers the music. We're just trying to tell people why tube amps sound different than solid state.

There are many different audiophile philosophies out there. Many people subscribe to the purity ideal -- in which all components should be as transparent and neutral as possible, passing an unaltered signal from the source material to the speaker. Others are willing to forgo neutrality for a sound that is more pleasing to their ears. (Why would people buy Rockets, otherwise... ) Neither philosophy is more correct than the other. This is an entirely subjective hobby. As has been said again and again, follow your ears.

If I hear a tube amp that I cannot live without, I will definitely buy it (funds allowing, of course). But I'll buy it knowing I'm getting innacurate sound.