Please excuse my excitement throughout the rest of this paragraph! lol

Well, the verdict is in! It was my Luxman Amp!!!!!!!!!!!! I hit the nail on the head with this one. It turns out the 3 to 4-ohm load of the M80 v2's was too much for the 20 year old amp to handle. I plugged in my Emotiva XPA-3 this morning and have been running the amp for the last 5 hours straight without a hiccup!!!! These speakers are absolutely stunning! It is a night and day difference now with this new amp. The bass is extremely tight and powerful, you can definitely notice that there is NEVER a lack of power during any peaks and you can basically go as loud as humanly possible on the volume. No distortion, no problems with sound whatsoever, just clean increases in volume! sick!!!! Let me go back to my music. Talk to you guys later and thanks a bunch for the help!
