I was dreaming of this board, actually. MarkSJohnson was masterminding a crazy soap opera involving all of the regulars. He was sort of giving everyone a new character, and it was set up as kind of a game to start things out. I only remember the last thing in the dream. He was providing details for someone's "character," and he was saying it in the first-person: "I'd like to experience lupis oni someday." Lupis oni? I thought. "Wolf demon? Turn into a wolf?" Never mind the mixing of word origins and the strange mental leap about it meaning to turn into a wolf, somehow I was right, so I was bragging about cracking the code. I wish I could remember more about the game. Anyway, Mark, I guess you need to come up with a game for us to play involving us taking on new characters. That is, if you want to be the man of my dreams.