we agree at least that in Canada, the banks are the distributors of our cash. we can't borrow directly from our country, we have to go through the whole sale distributors..in our case its our banking system. we agree banks aren't lending right now, at least not without asking for your first born as collateral. Since we can't borrow from our country directly, we need to go through the banks.

I stated that this should be regulated and the banks will be allowed to make a small profit. now with Canada providing financial aid .. the cash starts to flow into our economy. at this point, it doesn't matter who's fault it is, we need money to start circulating or things go bad. 2nd problem in Canada is that we as the individual have no savings and are so dependant on each and every Paycheck that most Canadians will be broke in a month if they lose their jobs. UI doesn't currently pay enough to support a family. In fact most Canadians use their credit cards to supplement their life styles, that is why Canada should force the banks to allow credit card debt to be converted to a mortgage style loan thereby removing stress and pain to Canadian families. PS, the banks are to blame in my opinion, they send everyone credit card applications and phone market you to death so that you take their credit cards.So if by converting to soft loans for consumers they, the banks, lose interest toooooo bad.

so the original idea was Don't give it to the companies, spread the money through the "end User" the Canadian Citizen. unfortunately, we need the greedy banks to do it.

