Originally Posted By: Golden
Very nice House! Please let us all know what your impressions are once you have had a chance to play around!

Thanks! I will come up with something once I get some time with it. There has been a lot of intersting talk about the whole tube vs solid state on this forum lately so I thought I would try one out and see for myself (something I don't need but oh well). The thing I like about this comparison for me is that room interaction will not be an issue since we are dealing with headphones. IMO room acoustics have a bigger impact on sound than anything else (speakers too of course). If we can take out the room acoustics I think I can gain a better understanding between the whole solid state vs tube debate and gain a better subjective opinion for my own sake.

I’m armed and I’m drinking. You don’t want to listen to advice from me, amigo.

-Max Payne