Well, the pressure's on to have the bags turn out well. I sent Marina a message about the idea, and how I was thinking of giving her one. Then I reconsidered and decided the thing that should happen is she should take the idea, get with a designer she likes, and have a version of the bag made to be sold as part of her official merchandise. Since she seems to like ancient Greece and outlandish fashion choices, it seemed like a good fit. I told her that she could still have one of the bags I'm having made, but that she should consider having her own made when she's propelled into superstar status. She responded and said she would love to have one of the bags, that she's not ready for merch quite yet but probably would be in about 6 weeks, and it would be great to have a sample to show people. How cool is that? It would so neat to have an idea of mine live out there in the world instead of just in my house or my head.