Whoa, I meant 11,025 CUBIC feet, not square feet... sorry. But you know it's crazy, I never really realized the fact that this room actually is bigger than my last house was technically speaking. The home I owned before moving in here with my fiancee was listed at 980 square feet, and this room is 1225 square feet!!!

Of course that 980 square feet didn't include the full basement since it was only partially finished. Still, it's hard to envision that the entire main floor of my old house would fit inside this room!!! \:o I never have thought about that before. I guess once you get used to something it doesn't seem as big as it really is. Looking around this room its hard to fathom my old house fitting inside of here... that's just craziness!

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD