Yes Micah I was having that EXACT same problem like it would bottom out when it shouldnt be. And so I would have to turn it down to stop the bottoming out then the bass is to weak. That 800 should never bottom out but what do I know I just go by my ear. The experts were not familiar with axiom I mean they heard of them but didnt have any hands on time with them. They tried everything with the 500 and just couldnt get it to my liking but when they brought in diff subs I finally got the sub to sound right at least how I wanted it to sound. I thought it was the amp til I heard diff subs. Im not saying something is physically wrong I just dont like the way it is set up. The so called experts never actually said something is wrong with the 500 just that they couldnt get it to sound how I wanted. My EP175 even never bottomed out. I dont get it but have moved on

Last edited by th3at3rguy; 09/01/09 07:57 PM.