You know its funny you mention that because I was up at Frys in Indy a few weeks back & I stumbled into their Home Theater room for no other reason than to 'snicker' at their feable attempts at HT. Well, to my surprise I was QUITE surprised at how well it sounded in there!!!

And most of their speakers were Klipsch, Cerwin Vega, Kenwood, etc... At first I couldn't believe my ears, none of these speakers cost over $650 bucks... PER PAIR!!! How could they sound THIS GOD DAMNED GOOD'??? After standing around with my lower jaw on the floor for a few minutes I remembered back to some of my first attempts at car stereo. I'd gone to some car stereo stores and was equally BLOWN AWAY with speakers set up in their demo rooms. But I always found after I'd buy a pair that they never sounded anywhere near as good once I had them in my car... Why?

Eventually I learned not to go by the way they sounded in those demo rooms, but instead I'd go to Car Audio competitions where you could hear them in cars. Or I would find out what sounded good in one of my buddies car systems and go from there. With sales hinging from the way their speakers sound on the sales floor, its obvious they do a lot to make sure they sound GREAT in their demo rooms! I'm quite sure the same can be said for Frys & Best Buy & all those guys. I'm not saying the Martin Logans aren't great speakers mind you. I'm just saying it would be interesting to take your M60's down there and give em a spin in their demo room and see how they sound in a direct comparison with the Martin Logans in their demo room. Under the same conditions the Axioms might sound more detailed to your ear as well. Then again maybe not. It is possible after all that to your ear the ML's just sound sweeter.

It's also worth mentioning that in the audio realm, sometimes our ears react rather excitedly to a new sound. Guess our ear drums like getting some 'strange' every now and then too! ;\)

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD