Originally Posted By: LT61
They are kind of pricey....but, looking at the specs. of a couple of higher end models, technically, the speaker reproduces the full range of "sound" (highs and lows) the ear, can hear.....without a sub.
I find that interesting.

Though I realize the M80's aren't 'technically' considered a full-range speaker, I doubt you'll find many speakers for less that $5000 bucks a set that the M80's can't hang with in the bottom end. Sure the EP800 added bass while it worked, but for music the M80's never really 'needed' that extra kick, it was more or less a bonus.

However I must say, as much as I love my Axioms, and as many other Axioms as I plan on buying for this and that, if I were to have two separate systems, one for music and one for movies, I think I would probably go with a different manufacturer for the two channel system. If for no other reason than to have a change of pace every now and then. My Home Theater doubles as my music player, and I'm not a two channel kinda guy. So I have no problems listening to everything on just the Axiom's. But if I were to fall in love with two channel stereo systems and built a dedicated listening room around just that... it would be around something other than the same M80's I have in my living room.

My Stuff :

Denon 4802
Emotiva XPA-3
Samsung BD-P3600
Sharp 65 Inch Aquos LCD