Originally Posted By: Eric Crowder
I'll need to decide either keep the Axioms in the FP room,or move the axiom to the living room and replace the m60s with perhaps a pair of m80s or the electrostatics.

Eric, although some here state the M80s are more detailed than M60s, my experience has observed there is no significant difference in clarity or detail between the two that would validate the change and extra cost. The differences are SUBTLE and aside from a greater bass presence, you would likely need an instantaneous A/B test to pick out such differences.

Just because the M80s have two extra drivers for midrange and tweeter does not make them more detailed. It is akin to saying the titanium tweeters make the Axiom speaker sound tinny. Both speaker models play perfectly fine and equally detailed at any volume level. Those who feel they are better when turned up are likely being influenced by a larger, louder speaker to begin with. To play the same SPL as the M80 with a larger cabinet, the M60 may require a higher volume dial setting, but that doesn't mean the M80 is 'more detailed at lower volumes'.
It is an apples and oranges comparison relating to driver numbers and cabinet volume.

If you are interested in hearing different sound, searching for a different type of 'detail', you should head out to a variety of stores and listen to other brands beyond what is found in the box stores. Perhaps you have just not yet found the sound that you really prefer.

I have heard Martin Logans, albeit rather briefly and not in my home. My thoughts on some recent speakers can be found here.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."