As someone who has to deal with many types of contracts, my advice is: It never hurts to have an attorney look over a contract if you are having any problems understanding the legalese contain therein.

Paying for an hour of time from a competent real estate attorney to read over a contract is actually a bargain if it will keep you from getting f#cked over somehow in the future.

It's also good to have a few attorney friends around for free advice. \:\)

Btw, friendly attorneys usually respond well to micro brew and kind bud. Or hookers and blow if they are making more than $300.00 an hour. \:o

But seriously, party with an attorney and they will eventually loosen up and tell you things that will make your hair curl (or uncurl) and make you never, ever trust anyone in that profession.

I mostly deal with entertainment attorneys though, and they are a whole other species entirely...

"Art is making something out of nothing and selling it."
---Frank Zappa