It's funny how all these teabagger bozos didn't seemed too concerned with spending and deficits when George Bush was borrowing and spending money on two unnecessary (and illegal) wars while giving tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy.

We should just return to the tax rates we had under their god Ronnie Reagan (an Alzheimer addled ex-actor and terrible president). Or how about Clinton era tax rates? You know, back when the economy was booming and we had a surplus and yet the rich still got rich! It's a lie that cutting corporate taxes create jobs. If that were true, where are they? They've (tax rates) been the lowest they've ever been for the last 10 years. Corporations outsource those "jobs" and have pretty much killed the middle class and American industry.

Obama has a lot more patience than I do with the current crop of Republicans. They want the economy to tank because that's their only chance of winning in 2012. But they won't. I think America is (finally) waking up now that News Corp and Murdoch are being exposed for the corrupt scum bags they are. The right wing propaganda that they peddle is becoming quite stale. Getting rid of Fox news will go a long way in restoring the political climate and rational debate in this country. If McCain/Palin (god forbid) had won, Osama Bin Laden would still be alive and GM would be long gone.

It's also funny how the right thinks that Obama is a socialist since he's a centrist moderate and more conservative than Nixon (who would be considered a commie by the wing-nuts on the right today) was! 30 years of conservative trickle down theory has almost destroyed this country. I wish president Obama WAS a socialist! Then maybe we would all have affordable universal healthcare like every other civilized country in the world. But god forbid we should turn the USA into one of those horrible socialist hell-holes like Sweden, Canada, Norway, Germany, etc.! Oddly, those countries have a higher standard of living and better literacy rates.

History keeps repeating though... Republicans get into power, fu#k up everything, then a Democrat gets elected and has to clean up the mess they made. Look it up. History and facts are on my side here. But, as you probably know, "facts" do have a liberal bias.. wink

I also have no love for the Democratic party, they've let me down many times. They've been acting like Republican-lite ever since the Reagan era. Good cop to the Republican's bad cop... but both are cops and are going to bust you! Bill Clinton was a pretty great Republican president though... grin

However, I do think Obama is one of the best presidents this country has ever had. And I believe Republicans know it, that's why they hate him so much. He continuously schools their asses with smarts, competence, decency and statesmanship.

Yeah, I think that liberal policies are what helped make this country great. I also appreciate some good conservative ideas. I love Teddy Roosevelt and Dwight Eisenhower. Even William F. Buckley was a reasonable and intellectual conservative. Compare him to Sarah Palin or Rush Limbaugh.

I'm just a reluctant capitalist bleeding heart liberal and I love freedom and America. I want ALL Americans to do well, but the left AND right have to work TOGETHER or else this great nation (empire) will fall just like my people's did, the Romans (and we were the baddest motherfu#kers of all)

"Art is making something out of nothing and selling it."
---Frank Zappa