Well i'm not Alan or Ian but just offhand i would tend not to listen to a guy who says the design of the speakers are flawed when he himself uses JBL speakers bought from A&B sound and was thinking about 'upgrading' to PSB Image2s from A&B sound (chek out their profiles and webpages). I won't even get into his atrocious grammer and spelling (e.g. His quote: "My enough knowledge to be dangerous tells me this layout is a bad idea.").

Another guy quotes:
"Remember I built an almost identical sub to theirs? [axiom] I think it could mate well with some little full range drivers for a Bose-Buster system. But for what they're [axiom] charging for them I'd agree that they're pathetic. [axiom subs] They don't even use 3/4" MDF"
Correct me if i'm wrong but i thought the Axiom speakers WERE all 3/4" MDF (info taken from a recent Ian post on the composition of the new M22s and extrapolated it to all the Axiom models).

Secondly, this guy actually refers to Bose in the same sentence as if Bose were actually a decent speaker.
Oh please, you cannot compare those brand names to Axioms. Bose spends more money on marketing their product than they do on R&D which says it all.

If these kids are going to doubt the speaker design then they should at least LISTEN to the speaker first before criticizing it since it sounded as if none of them have actually heard the VP150. They should also be comparing the Axiom designs to other equally 'reputable' speaker companies (e.g. Monitor Audio and B&W) and not Future Shop specials.

This third guy only quotes specs and then says: "What a weak center. I'd aviod this like the plague just from these alone."
Again another non-listening opinion.

Then this dope chimes in with:
"And don't forget the cheap cabinet materials!"
Once again, apparently has never even seen the Axiom speaker. As far as i can tell the cabinet material is the same stuff (and good heavy material) that makes a solid cabinet.
I REALLY hate uninformed, illogical, unexperienced opinions. SHOW ME THE PROOF!

This last guy was a bit weird though and quoted some jargon about speakers.
"WRT the Konar vs D'Appolito view of MTM lobing, a high res TDS plot tells the tale doesn't it, so what's to debate? ?
Does that really mean anything?

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."