Fred, I wish! smile

I didn't have much time last night to do more than get it set up and try out some different sources. I've saved a couple of tabs in my browser with home-calibration info that I'll try sometime soon.

But so far, so great. Really, there wasn't much to compare it to. My old DLP had been getting dim and muddy for awhile, and never did have good blacks. My initial reaction is that movies are looking good in Cinema mode, standard TV fare looks good, sports look really good and a Blu Ray of Cars looked amazing.

I quickly got used to the extra size, as I thought I would. The new set can sit back about 12" - 18" closer to the wall than the old which offsets the extra size a bit.

I might skip the wall mounting and just build a quick little platform to sit it up a bit higher so the VP150 in front doesn't block a bit of the bottom of the screen as it does now.

::::::: No disrespect to Axiom, but my favorite woofer is my yellow lab :::::::