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Great, now I just want to know more. Feed the need!

You asked for it...

I love snuggling.
I've been known to drive around with all the windows down, in 20 degree weather, with the heat on.
I wish Rotel would make a universal player.
I invented tuna pre-mixed with mayo at least 15 years ago.
I love Georgia O'Keefe paintings.
I made a clay sculpture at was inspired by O'Keefe while in High School. I still have it.
I made a graph drawing of Jack Nicholson in high school that was stolen while on display in the school.
I've had my wallet stolen.
I have found memories of my Dad's 8 tracks. Jim Croce, Simon & Garfunkle, Kenny Rogers...
I miss Bob's Clam Hut. Mmmm...good food.
Spring time in Los Angeles is great.
IMAX films are really fun to watch.
I need to shower at least once per day.
I get very cranky when I'm tired or hungry. Not much has changed since I was two.
I love taking 'personality' tests online.
I'd love to be a Nielson family.
I think people should see/hear live performances more often - myself included.
Museums are fun.
I wonder why sex is such a taboo subject.
I wonder why violence is so socially accepted.
I wonder how killing someone as a punishment for killing someone makes sense to anybody.
I hate how my fingers feel/smell after eating KFC.
I love molasses.
San Francisco is a really great city.
Alarm clocks really suck.
I find it really hard to find a really comfortable pair of shoes.
I've always liked Mighty Mouse over Mickey Mouse.
Sunstone Vineyards 'Eros' is the best red wine I've ever tasted.
I really enjoy my "friends" on the Axiom Audio message boards.
Porn can be fun to watch.
The best fiction book I've ever read was "A Confederacy of Dunces"
I generally prefer to read non-fiction.
I think Ebay is wonderful.
I've bought more new CD's since the advent of mp3's than I did in the 10 years previous.
I wish I could keep my cool better on the tennis court.
US History was my favorite subject in school.
I always wanted to thank Mr. Baglivo for being the best teacher I ever had - but I didn't.
Gandhi has shaped how I think about the world probably as much as any other single thing.
I wish I worked shorter hours.
I tried reading the bible a few times, but I've read fiction novels that were more believable.
Geodes have always fasinated me.
I'd like to own a cat and dog someday.
A twenty-five pound cat.
I have way too much credit card debt.
I think boxer briefs are sexy.
I don't dress in expensive clothes because I hate worrying about getting them dirty.
I really enjoyed acting in college.
Something has got to be done about spam emails.
I'm in love.
I really enjoy writing. I should do it more.
I never understood how someone could be depressed - until it happened to me.
I'm afraid of baseballs.
Insects creep me out, but I love spiders - go figure.
I think LA needs a lot more green, and a lot less cement.
Wanda Sykes is my favorite stand up comedian. (sorry Ms. Cho)
I don't talk about death.
I had a really great time renting a house with friends in Palm Springs last year.
I'm glad that there's at least one game that I'm better than Roger at - darts.
Roger's luck is astonishing.
I love our 'Wednesday Night Gang'
I prefer fresh air over air conditioned.
I think head and hand massages feel better than back massages.
I really like cool old people.

Dare I divulge more?