Oh my God, the "off" button safety protocol is not working. Run!! Run!!

Switching back to serious once again, that is the beginnings of a neat opportunity Craig. I have done something similar over the years with an old, dog-eared journal. My thoughts were that if I ever chose to write a book it would be good to have some history of the details surrounding bits and pieces of my life experience. There might be a way to turn that into a humourous narrative of one's journey. I also thought it would be nice to have something my children or grandchildren could look at when they where really bored and learn something about where they came from. I likethe way you have organized the "detail spew"; it makes for quicker capturing.

Hmmmm, in reading this, you are probably wondering who I am and what I did with Ray? No matter. Craig - you have stimulated my thought muscle with your offering and I am appreciative.