We didn't find out about hte storm in time to even make searching for a generator rational. Our power lines are underground, and we're pretty far inland, so we're hoping. Our power has been fairly flakey, unfortunately, but they did some repair work a few weeks ago, so maybe it'll be better.

Got a camp stove and plenty of fuel for that, a lantern, and sufficient candles. Making sure the cell phones are charged.

Plenty of food, canned and frozen, and I've got an extra tank of propane for the grill.

Cleaned, tested, and tightened all the gutters. Looks like I'll probably need to put up new ones pretty soon, oh yay, but they'll do.

Checked the block's storm drains, they all (superficially at least) look clear.

Raked up leaves this morning, but that didn't really help by evening. Heh.

We'll see how it goes.

Last edited by Ken.C; 10/28/12 12:31 AM.

I am the Doctor, and THIS... is my SPOON!