Originally Posted By: oakvillematt
Originally Posted By: BobKay
I think your post got no response, 'cause most of the guys around here do not come from any mother who fits your description.

Or perhaps we were out with our mothers, taking them out for dinner to show our thanks for the wonderful things they did for us growing up, rather than hanging around around here posting dumb-ass postings thinking we are funny.


There is no restaurant I like that will allow a Mother's Day reservation for five, plus a 33-year old corpse.

So, for 33 years I have had nothing better to do on Mothers' Day, except annoy people. Before the Internet, it was prank calls, fake pizza deliveries to the apartment next door and the occasional "pretend" ransom note. Now, I have so many more opportunities.

So, welcome to the boards, where everyday is Mother's Day!

I publicly swore off emoticons when they began to take over the type. It's scarier that way.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.