Originally Posted By: GregMatty
I was really disappointed when Panasonic dropped their Plasma based TV's. For those of you like me who really liked the contrast, black levels, color, etc., what do you do for a replacement?

I am moving away from Seattle and will finally have a house with a basement/rec room. I am tempted to go back to the ceiling mounted FP but that is such a hassle that I may go with a 75" to 80" TV. They all look great in the store but my current Panasonic Plasma still blows me away and I hate to take a step back technology wise.


I agree, the problem that arose was that the "masses" wanted a monitor they can hang on the wall and as thin as possible and as a result the plasma technology was not suitable for such a purpose along with the constant reminder that they were less energy efficient than LCD/LEDs.

As you stated, the regular buyer just sees a bunch of these bright televisions in the store with the contrast and color cranked up so that is all they care about, they will never understand the more technical aspects of superior black levels and how that affects color etc. From what I am reading other than the LG OLED's(which are still comparatively too expensive), even some of the best 4K monitors still can't match the black levels and overall color balance of a good plasma.

We have seen it throughout consumer electronics history where alleged newer technologies aren't any better or sometimes not even as good as what they replaced.