I'm certainly not offended by any of the comments. I just think for balance and free speech, I'm going to offer a different view. 2X6 gets slammed here all the time, in this case, I happen to think he is right. To see his comments so readily dismissed is way off base. Let me show you:

"Adding to what Bren mentioned, won't it be fun to use a device that generates a rich wash of harmonic distortion, AC hum & noise, and begins deteriorating the moment it's turned on?"

------->I think its pretty easy to infer the condescension through sarcasm. Check out the sarcasm in the above comment. When one replies to another's comments with sarcasm, this shows no respect for the preceeding comments.

"...but it's horse-and-buggy technology best left and admired for what it did surprisingly well in the first half of the 20th century because there were no alternatives."

-----> There is no - "why don't you try them both out and then decide." He is clearly saying to leave it alone and admire the stuff in an audio museum or something. Bull. A better answer would be to say why don't you try them out for yourself.

"If someone wants the nostalgia of watching those tube filaments glow orange on a cold winter night, fine, but building a tube CD player now is, at the least, eccentric if not nutty. "

------> Excuse me? Nutty? Right, no condescension there. Sure. Further, reducing serious music listeners to dolts who are attracted to warm glowing lights like a child on a cold winter night? Please.