As Trevor said, I have "modal issues" smile

My small audio room (10x10x8) has Trevor's old room treatments in it and bookcases and paintings. Based on his recommendation, I placed my speakers such that I am sitting on a diagonal. No EQ needed. The room gives a very intimate presentation that is extremely pleasing.

Then, enter my man-cave. It's boomy and muddy but turn on XT32 and it's magic. This particular room is the polar opposite of the small room - it's wide and open and with blinders on, you'd never know there were any boundaries. To achieve this level of performance without XT32, I would need professional help and I am sure custom treatments.

With the 800, the bass in my man-cave is exactly what I always dreamed it should be. Nonetheless, I am waiting in anticipation to try the new "GUT PUNCH" mode. smile

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated