Tonight it's Wolcott Kentucky Straight Bourbon ... playing Dar Williams/The Green World

The project ... fixing a M3c cover magnet problem
Hence the opened the end-mill box. The cover magnet came off with the cover and it needed to be press fit back in ... unfortunately

I needed to remove a plastic ring to do it and that didn't look straight forward as it was tied into the tweeter ... so I contacted Ian. He told me this never happened before and he would look into it.

Basically the answer was that if the magnet was loose in the pocket then I could glue it in otherwise I'd probably have to send it back. That seemed kind of dumb so I convinced him I had the tools to make the magnet pocket a bit bigger. My first thought was the mini-mill but it was sitting crowded into a corner on the floor and It wasn't worth setting up as there was a alternative

The drill press is quite good It's variable speed and has a built-in DRO (digital read out).

So end mill in, set 1000rpm, zero at top of pocket, set depth for 1/10th of an inch and a second later a perfect fit ... a drop of glue and ...
