Oh you nailed it. Emotionally impactful. Exactly. In my master bedroom I get that feeling of “ oh shit! This is awesome!!” Or I get engrossed in the music. It’s generally at a higher volume that focusses the image and gives it some reality. And always with the better recordings. I guess that’s what I’m craving in my living room. It’s just not the same in there.

1500-2 powering the hp woofers is pretty juicy and impactful I bet. From all your descriptions over the last couple years it sounds like you’ve got plenty of power to satisfy be impactful. But I bet there’s always that question mark of trying something new or trying to improve.

Emotionally impactful, exactly right. Nice one. That’s what’s missing and what I crave.

M60ti Hafler9505 & JFET Pre,Axiom Transformer. M3 Marantz PM7200 Dual 606 Denon 2700 M2 Yammy RX595