I encourage you to listen very carefully in the living room and bedroom and write down your observations. Where are the images forming in one room vs. the other. How large are they? Where are they in relation to one another? How deep, wide and tall? How does a drum, a snare, a cymbal sound? Take the time to be very specific with your observations. Then try changing the geometry with your MLP in the living room and listen again. Listen on long wall vs. short if possible. You need to establish if SPL is really the issue. Know that a louder set-up can trick you into believing it is better. Listen for other qualities too.

I am not lying when I tell you there is no question mark for me with the actives and sealed subs. There is nothing I want to improve. After more than a decade, I've found sonic peace.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated