The actives are specified at 124dB continuous and 130dB dynamic in-room at 1 meter. I measured 116dBC peaks at 10 feet away and I had not yet reached amp limits. I couldn't tell you if that was audibly clean because I had ear plugs and my shooting muffs on. The HP drivers were visibly distressed though and I smelled coils and adhesive. I also smelled 1000 and 1500. I didn't want to push further.

So those specs I gave you above are likely the absolute physical limits. Distortion sets in before those limits. In any practical residential application, there really are no limits for the actives.

Edit: I can't see the T playing cleanly at 118dB. It won't destruct though.

Last edited by Mojo; 08/09/21 03:53 AM.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated