Originally Posted by MatManhasgone
If we look to the OP, he is running a set of Axiom M80 and an EP500. I would not put them under the cheapest set of speaker category. I bought my first pair of Axiom M80v4 speakers in 2014 and they were $1300. (now they are over $2600).
Sorry MatManhasgone,
Have to answer stuff in in bits & prices as the internet access is very spotty where I am currently.

The OP’s system seems to be well positioned on the upgrade path (a good compromise between budget and sound). I agree with you, that his speakers are most likely not the weakest link in this system. The power calculations tell me that unless he wants to play his music loud he’s fine … at least from a spec point of view. So, his next upgrade step is dependent on what he feels his system needs and of course his budget. It may very well be getting a great prepro/amp combo. It could be spending more time perfecting his setup or room … to know what I would do, would require me to play with his system for bit.

That said, if it had to be a piece of equipment and with out hearing or playing with his system myself what you’re proposing would also be my best guess.