Originally Posted by TrevorM
Originally Posted by Mojo
How do you plan to evaluate the "quality" of the components from their photos?

If I were to judge the quality of a driver or tweeter or otherwise objectively I would find similar items on parts express or solen or madisound etc. and estimate parts cost. You can probably get really close.

That analysis won't divulge the quality. It might help with analyzing if a speaker manufacturer is charging an excessive price. Even that might be a stretch because the price ought to be a function of the composite performance of the speaker system. The price of the M5 for example is too low.

The only way we can judge quality is by considering the specifications, listening in our spaces and comparing against other speakers. Showing Chiru the disemboweled photos I have of Axiom speakers and drivers can't possibly inform his purchase.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated