Ha ha ha!!! I know I know. Im trying to be too diplomatic.

There’s so many things wrong with that review. Huge screen in the important space between the speakers, they need to be out in the room etc etc. and on and on. Like why comment / make a review if you’re still not done the review or barely started broken in and trying to set them up properly. Some guys just like sparkle and boom I guess.

Im just loving my setup and he’s missing out. !!

I’ve added an old sub to the mix here in the big room. So satisfying. It’s all there. But I need twin sealed subs I think. These m60 ti with power behind them really makes a world of difference.

Mojo, I’ve read all your really reasonable relatable reviews religiously. Rigorous reviews receive rewards.

I guess the comments irked me too. People saying “ oh well thanks for saving me the trouble. I won’t try axiom now. “.

I think his pants would fall off if he rocked out to some LFRs at someone’s house. Not saying who. But someone.

Edit: the Eminem test track is laughable. Great for vocals as it’s a very “spoken” rap. But the bass is sub bass. Ie bass that is meant for a sub. Not sure why anyone would test with that song. Ok I’m done with it now. I swear. I’m all verklempt….. yeesh, ock yoy

Last edited by Kodiak; 09/26/22 11:58 PM.

M60ti Hafler9505 & JFET Pre,Axiom Transformer. M3 Marantz PM7200 Dual 606 Denon 2700 M2 Yammy RX595