I'm with Trevor on this one. Your layout is a fuc&*$# disaster and you shouldn't spend any more time and money on it.

I'll go a step further and say you shouldn't have any speakers given the restrictions. How do you expect to enjoy the stereo effect?

Given however that I am an optimist and keen problem solver, here's something to consider. How about you keep what you have and add a sub like Trevor suggested? Then, when you need to enjoy a real soundstage, how about temporarily moving the speakers a couple of feet into the room and placing a chair at position (16,9)?

For all other times, you can listen to a piss poor distorted soundstage with no imaging so you can really appreciate those (16,9) moments. Kinda like when I rarely drink a gin and tonic to remind myself how much better life is when I'm not drinking that awful poison.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated