Originally Posted by TrevorM
Bad advice.

Why would that be so? Optimizing a single seating position is different from tweaking for multiple seating positions. And in my current setup, the center channel is the weakest link, but only when pushed to higher volumes than I'm willing to listening to. The left/right channels hardly do any work.

I should also point out to UK_AV that Axiom held the prices on the VP160OW and VP180OW before the August price adjustment, and should factor that into whatever equipment they decide to go with, before Axiom realizes their mistake (if it was a mistake).

I will corroborate Mojo's difficulty in using tower speakers in small and medium sized rooms. My Nuance 330 speakers didn't need a subwoofer, but it only worked well in large and open rooms.

Edit: I reread the OP, and I think he just needs to decide which surround speaker to pick.

Last edited by Hambrabi; 10/21/22 04:33 PM.

Author of "Status 101: How To Keep Up In A World That Keeps Score While Buying Into Buying Less"