i can feel what you are saying, but my view is a little different .. i think its funny due to the 'inconvience'(sp) of the situation. we have all had friends stop in at all hours of the night, to drink beer, or crash on the couch, or sneak in some girl that he is cheating with.. same goes for when you wanna spend a lazy day watching football, inevitably, the boys will show up, wanting to BBQ, and throw some washers, or go out on the lake.. or when you are with your girl, and need some 'alone' time, never fails, someone will show up just wanting to hang out, or go to the bar..

well, i find it funny, cause i would NEVER expect for one of my friends to just show up at 7:45 in the morning with a dead body, with its head blown off.. i think thats where i would have to draw the line on our friendship.

and i buy the good stuff also..
