Yes - the "Capn" is a lame play on words given the fact that my last name is "Pickard" for all you Trekkies out there. I also go by Adrien...

Sorry - Daniel - I do check my hotmail account. I've just been moving this weekend, and have been out of touch since last Thursday (no internet during the move). I have PM'd you back, and welcome you to take a listen to the set up and hopefully turn you on to the Axioms.

As I told Daniel in my message to him, the move went well - nothing broken (except a few backs). It took four movers 9 hours to get all of our stuff into the fourth floor of a walk up apartment in D.C. The 40" Mitsubishi (weighing in at circa 350 lbs.) took 4 of them half an hour alone. But it is done now. All that is left is to unpack and get things set up...

As expected, though - I'm still living out of bags for clothese (still haven't found the underwear bag). However, I spent a couple of hours hanging my QS8's last night and tacking the wire to the floor... my priorities are evident, and my wife is not enthused.

Anyway - come one, come all...if you can share in my excitement, it will make me a happy man. Daniel - just let me know when a good time is, and we'll work something out.

P.S. - Welcome to the boards, and to the neighborhood!