
The building was put up around 1890. It was broken into floors (with two duplexes on the first floor) in the sixties. We're on the top floor - so the three windows you see are us (which you can't see in the pictures, cause the fireplace is blocking it)....

Thanks for all the complements though guys. It's comign along slowly but surely, one room at a time (more like one component at a time, actually). Tonight, in fact, I tried to tackle my "rat's nest" problem, somewhat successfully, and much to the delight of the better half.

About the lights and kitchen and stuff - the people who lived there before us renovated before they got out of the place (and probably made a pretty penny on the profit from us as well). The D.C. real estate market is outrageous right now. It's a hard to find a place as it is to afford one. I think my wife and I got lucky - we got it for asking (in no small part due to the hike you take every time you come in and leave the place).