I've stood next to him a few times, too. But when I saw Weezer (with Tenacious D and Jimmy Eat World) a few years back, I got stuck next to that guy's drunker, fatter, stupider cousin.

He seriously spent at least half an hour singing the wrong song and asking me (at 155 lbs) to lift his 250 lb drunk ass up so he could crowd surf. I eventually went and stood elsewhere.

Honestly, what with the obnoxiously drunk crowds, the fact that I have to stand up the whole time, and the totally unneccessarily loud volumes, I find myself increasingly unable to enjoy most rock concerts. Of course, I still enjoy a good outdoor concert festival, and some bands seem to attract better crowds, keep the music at a more reasonable level, and play venues with actual seating room. And the tickets for most such concerts, in my experience, tend to be around $10, which is a far cry from the $40+ I've paid for a lot of unbearable shows.