Heck no and thanks for taking the time to ask. I'm not going anywhere. I like it here. Just because I'm not running Axiom at the moment is no reason to take off. I have to stick around. Not only do I like it here but there are a few members of my family now running Axiom as a result of me and I need to keep up with what's new in the Axiom world. My brother-in-law has my old M80's. My father-in-law has my M3's and VP150 and there are a few more who have pieces here and there.

If Axiom does in fact come out with the much talked about new Anniversary line, I may be running Axioms again sooner rather then later! Like I said before, the gap to me between Axiom and Monitor Audio is not that large but there was enough there that I decided to run with Monitor for the time being. Happiest person in my house right now is my wife. She has always maintained that the Monitors were the best speaker I ever had in the house. lol