No, again you are confusing power and current. Simply stated speakers do not draw power from a receiver. The speaker functions simply as a result of the voltage and current supplied to them. The 4 ohm load of the M80 requires your amp to deliver more current to them then does the 8 ohm load of the 60 for the same power. From what you are telling me is happening I would surmise that the Power Supply of this unit is not capable of delivering the current load required without overheating. I would say that looking at the specs on the Onkyo web site that this unit should be capable of running the 80’s without too much trouble, and looking at the published specs, my only concern is that it would run a bit hot with the 80's 4 ohm load. I feel that the problem lays with Onkyo not Axiom on this. If you can get the specs of the power supply from Onkyo you should be able to calculate roughly what this unit is really capable of. Obviously there are some short comings in the design of this unit, you cannot blame the speakers for this, nor can you expect that Axiom test their speakers on every receiver made. They like I do, would look at the specs given to them for the unit and from this deduce whether or not it should work with a given speaker.