md55, your post shocked me. Are you really equating theatrical depictions of violence with video taped snuff films of the real thing? Are you saying that our media depictions of violence have in any way made these barbarian thugs more likely to cut off the heads of infidels than they would have been without our films? Correct me if I misunderstand your proposition, but is your sub-text implication that our movies speak to a culture as depraved as one that celebrates videos of actual murders?

We may be horrified by viewing these videos, but not only are they best sellers in Arab societies, but they are powerful recruiting tools! Yes, the sight of the faithful cutting off the heads of Jews and "Crusaders" is a powerful source of pride, empowerment and a demonstration that these folks are winning the war, their war, their Jihad against the West, modernity, civilization, culture, ethics ...

BTW, I liked Kill Bill I and II, but it did not desensitize me to cruelty or incline me to go out and hurt another human being. The values of that culture resonate to the snuff videos of actual murder, they are celebrated.

Think about it md55.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.